Tips for prolonging Li-ion batteries

How to prolong battey life of li-ion batteries The researches occurring in battery world is concentrating on lithium technologies and in that li-ion takes the top position. Li-ion batteries are not fully matured yet and lot of studies are going on behind, and is still improving. Lithium ion batteries are now powering satellites! It has become one of the best battery chemistry for power systems. Each battery systems has its own unique needs, such as Charging speed Discharge rate Tolerance in adverse temperatures Reasons for ageing of li-ion The battery performance is measured as its capacity, which is a health indicator. A li-ion battery may misbehave in its allotted time be due to heavy use or unfavorable temperature conditions. In the case of battery packs, they do not die suddenly, but the runtime gradually shortens as the capacity fades. The worst situations the li-ion battery can face is keeping it in high temperatures with full-charge. Do’s and Don’ts i...